a letter to city officials

Spiritualution Concerts

City Officials,

If your city would like a Spiritualution℠ Concert that would uplift the hopes and the hearts of the people for a new world to come and inspire hope in the coming back to this planet of The Promised One, and if your city has been through tornadoes, earthquakes, storms, or hurricanes and needs spiritual upliftment, please call Mycenay Plyler at (520) 307-5192.

Van of Urantia, a spiritual leader, visionary and environmental and political change agent, delivers what he calls a Spiritualution Movement for Change, in part, through his music.

The Spiritualution — Justice to the People movement welcomes participants of all walks of life, all races, and all creeds. We are Change Agents pioneering the institutional laws and practices necessary to live peacefully in a world without borders. Spiritualution is a movement for a common good towards a better way of living!

Spiritualution Concerts are the core purpose of Van of Urantia's musical virtuosity. His Spiritualution Concerts endeavor to bring people from all religions together in unity, to celebrate the hope of the return of the Promised One and the Divine New Order to come.

He and his 11-piece Bright & Morning Star Band generate soul-shaking harmonies blended with genre-bending instrumentation to create his original genre CosmoPop® spiritually hip vocal music which masterfully incorporates spiritual lyrics, mantra and sacred dance with inuences from rock, jazz, Celtic, folk and world music to create an interuniversal and interdimensional experience.

The beating heart of CosmoPop® Music is Van of Urantia's voice and guitar. His stylized vocals express the height and depth of emotional experience while his lyrics reveal the poetry and wisdom of one who has lived lifetimes. His soul-prose expresses a spiritual sound that is visionary and hip, yet real and down to earth.

Van of Urantia believes that spiritual music does not have to be rote, churchy or square and that a spiritual person can still be hip.

Just to give you more information on Van of Urantia's Spiritualution Concerts, we will market them as a sacred gathering of people of all faiths to come together to pray for the coming of The Promised One. We will also include the following information within our marketing.

The Promised One is also known as:

  • Hadhrat Isa (the Arab name for Jesus) — Islam
  • Kalki Avatar — Hindu
  • Jesus Christ — Christian
  • Maitreya (The World Teacher) — Hindu/Buddhist sects
  • Jampa — Tibetan
  • The Messiah — Jewish
  • Krishna — Hindu
  • Imam Mahdi — Muslim

We feel this will also be an interfaith message of goodwill to all the people of various faiths in your city.

P.O. Box 1613 • Tubac, AZ 85646 USA
info@cosmopop.org • www.cosmopop.org
Phone (520) 307-5192